On April 13th, Evalyne Pauleeta Anderson (nee Dupes) passed away. My maternal grandmother had been declining in mental health for some time and unfortunately, her body started to fail her as well. She was quite miserable in her last days and we are thankful that she is now at peace. The night of the funeral, Jason and I spent hours with my mom going through boxes of old photos and newspaper clippings about both my grandparents. My grandfather died when I was 12, so I didn't have much of a chance to get to know him. Jason and I both were amazed when we saw a picture of my grandpa in his 20's. I look just like him- same eyes, cheekbones, etc. I will get a picture from my mom and scan it so you can all weigh in. My grandmother was a model in her 20's and this is one of her postcards:

As noted by many at the funeral, my grandmother always looked good. Her hair was always perfectly in place, make up done, and clothes immaculate. She was mortified to find out that I sometimes went to the grocery store in my (gasp) pajamas. Though a beautiful lady, she didn't have much sympathy for those who were lazy or lacked self control. She was a firm believer in hard work in order to be successful. She often told the story about a homeless man coming to the door asking for food. She offered him a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, but he said he didn't like peanut butter and jelly. She claims she told him he must not be hungry enough and then closed the door. My grandparents worked hard for their money and never took it for granted. They were also very generous with their money when it came to family or those in need. Easter was a time of remembrance for our family and a time to celebrate my grandma's full life. You are dearly missed, Grandma.
On a happier note, the three cousins didn't quite understand the impact of death and focused on hunting eggs. It was fun to watch them run around and playing together. I'm so glad that Rya loves her cousins.

We went to Disneyland in December and Rya has been asking to go back everyday since we left, so for spring break we drove to LA and visited our Disney friends for three days. Rya is obsessed with Toy Story right now, so she was elated to meet many of her friends.

Woody! Jessie is in the background, but left before we got her autograph. At least Rya was able to see her.

We literally chased Minnie Mouse to her signing location and got Rya's first signature in her autograph book.

Who doesn't love the carousel?

Buzz Lightyear!

First time on the Matterhorn! I couldn't believe how brave she was! She also loved the kid rollercoaster in Toon Town. I guess with two parents who love fast rides, it's not shocking to have a kid who likes them too.

Patiently waiting in line when the Matterhorn broke down.

We are SO excited that our friends, the Pynes, have moved back to the Sacramento area. Kennedy and Rya took a spin in Kennedy's Barbie Mustang. Rya liked riding more than driving. It was scary to think that this scene will be a reality in 14 years. Rya just got her own Power Wheel vehicle- the Barbie Jeep. She is practicing her driving skills in the house and when this darn rain stops we'll take it outside.

Avery's birthday party!

Taking Easter pictures!

Kennedy's birthday party!

This kid loves her letters. She knows all the sounds and practices by telling you the initial sound of your name or other words she chooses. We are working on sounding out short words like mom and dad. She is flourishing with help from preschool, grandmas, and us. She constantly amazes us with her intelligence.

Cute buns!