Welcome to our new site!
From now on this will replace the babysite we had originally. The last few months have been full of ... well... this:
We are on the second round of all of us being sick. For the past three weeks we have all been sick twice off and on. Jason really has been sick the entire time, but was feeling better once he had his first round of antibiotics. Now he's on his second round. Rya has had pinkeye twice- once in both eyes. She has also had two colds and is still coughing a bit. Poor thing! It was so sad to see her not feeling well. Fingers crossed we can all get well soon!
Rya is now 5 1/2 months old! She still has no teeth, but is gumming everything in sight. Jason was trying to get some fuzz out of her mouth last night and she chomped down on him. Beware of teething child! She is not too interested in rolling over. She rolls to one side or the other, but really has no desire to flip. She is starting to love tummy time much more these days and entertains herself by turning in circles on her blanket. Sitting up has almost been mastered. She still kind of leans forward a bit and will fall to the side sometimes.
We love our old house and it's character, but the character got in the way of the Johnny Jumper working properly. The jumper is made to go in a doorway around the molding. Our molding is so thick, the jumper would not fit. Not to worry though... Jason to the rescue! A few trips to Home Depot and much time spent in the PVC pipe aisle has allowed Rya the joys of the jumper! I'll have to take pictures of this modified jumper so everyone can appreciate Jason's craftsmanship.
The time came last week for me to return to work. :( In preparation for my return, we gave Rya a bottle a few times just to make sure she remembered how to take it. The first time was a struggle, but the second time she took it pretty willingly. Sounds great, right? If only it had actually gone that smoothly at daycare! Rya refused to take the bottle all day and I had to leave work early to go feed her. We've tried everything from different positions to a plethora of different bottles. She will not do it. You might think she'd eat when she was hungry. Nope. I was in SF for 9 hours on Saturday and she wouldn't eat at all. She was a mess when I got home. The battle continues and we are going on Week 2. We're hoping that in time she will learn to take the darn bottle. It's stressing us out far too much!
I enjoy being back at work, but miss Rya like crazy! Three more weeks and then we'll all be off together for a month!
We are looking forward to our off track time when we'll be going to Hawaii with the Pyne family! We'll also be visiting Rya's newest friends on Oahu ... Jenna and Scott's twins, David and James! Congratulations to them! We also have two upcoming birthdays- Avery (turning 2) and Kennedy (turning 1)! Rya attended her first birthday party in February for Mr. Landon Holmes' 2nd birthday! She even got to wear a hardhat with a bow. Thanks, Auntie Sam for making it girlie!
We promise to update more often! Take care!