Yesterday was our wedding anniversary. We went to San Francisco (Rya's first trip) to hang out and have lunch. Other than the extremely windy conditions, we had a perfect day!
We had a fun-filled Easter starting Saturday morning. Rya had her first Easter egg hunt with Grandpa Jay and Kathy at a park by their house. Cousin Zachary was so kind to give Rya one of his eggs (minus the candy) which immediately went in her mouth.
That afternoon we headed to Modesto for more Easter! Rya had another Easter egg hunt and actually picked up her own eggs and dropped them in her basket. The Easter bunny left Rya some new hair bows! How exciting! We had a very nice dinner with the Hollis side of the family. Rya loves her Auntie Chandra (below).
Grandma and Grandpa Lazar came over on Sunday afternoon for one last Easter egg hunt and some lunch. It was nice to see a lot of family this weekend!
Last weekend (before Easter) was Avery Blair Chapman's 2nd birthday! We went to Fairytale Town with Rya for the first time to celebrate. She met a burro (below) and had a great time going down the slide with us.
We are very excited for our trip to Hawaii- we leave Monday night. While we are gone the bathroom is being remodeled. We'll post before and after pictures when we return!
Rya had her 6 month appointment a few days ago. She is right on target for development. Until this month Rya has consistently been 90th percentile for height and 25-50th percentile for weight. No longer! Rya is now 70th percentile for height and 75th percentile for weight! She was still eating 2-3 times during the night which I think contributed to the weight gain in addition to the introduction of solids. I say "was" because the last couple of nights she has slept through the whole night! The doctor told us she should not need to eat during the night any longer, so we made a plan to be strong and let her cry a bit if she woke up. Apparently, Rya had her own plan and decided the doctor was right- she slept through the last few nights. Let's hope that continues. We certainly appreciate the sleep!
Take care!