Yesterday we went to Fog Willow Farms in Wilton. They have a wonderful pumpkin patch this time of year with hayrides and animals. Thanks to the suggestion by the Holmes family, Rya and her friend Addison joined the Lil' Pickers' Club. We paid $25.00 and we got free admission, a t-shirt, and a 10-15 pound pumpkin of our choice. We get free admission and a free pumpkin every year until Rya's 13. It's a steal of a deal!
Addison's dad, Mark, was home for a bit from some training and we all got to spend the morning together. Rya loves her BFF! We are so glad they met at Gymboree so long ago.


I love this guy and this picture!

Hayride- twice!

Rya is pretty convinced that all animals are put on the earth to play with her. She walks up to any animal, laughs, and runs away while looking back to see if they are following. Most of the time, the animals just look at her like she's crazy, but not this goat! This goat took on the challenge to catch Rya and she had a blast running away from it.

Surprisingly, Rya found something to jump on. It was actually made for jumping- some kind of air/hay combination.

Thanks to Auntie Dagny, Jason and I (and I imagine Grandmas as well) have been reading Elmo's Monster Mash a gazillion times a day. On one page, Elmo accidentally drops his pumpkin and says, "Heavy!" Guess what Rya said when she picked this up? You've got to love Elmo and his Monster Mash!

Rya climbed to the top of the hay pyramid.

This dog was peacefully napping when we arrived. As I explained above, Rya wanted this animal to play with her. Rya started yelling at the dog, "Wake up, doggie! Wake up, doggie!" The dog must have been sleepy because he/she just kept sleeping. Rya tried to get a better angle to yell at the dog, but accidentally tripped over the dog's leg. Jason and I were dying laughing because we've never seen a dog jump up so quickly. The dog was certainly awake after that. Wouldn't you love to see Rya's tummy when you wake up?