Rya had her first soccer practice today! It's more of a skills clinic, but she had fun and did really well. They played some games that helped with dribbling and kicking.

This is when she told the teacher, "I'm super fast!" She sure is- gets that from Daddy.

There was some confusion on Rya's part about why she couldn't use her hands to place the ball where she wanted.

She needed her "soccer hair" for practice!

Rya got new goggles (thanks, Grandma Linda!) and has worn them the majority of the time since. There are a number of friends who can attest to her love of these pink goggles.

Swim time with the cousins and a new hat from Grandma Linda's trip to San Diego.

Fourth of July family photo.

It seemed safe at the time to light fireworks in the backyard. Max loved the fireworks!

Max and Rya!

Ready for the parade!

The banner Rya and I made for Jason to welcome him home after surgery. It kept falling off the wall, so we took the picture on the floor.

Getting a new roof! Woo-hoo!

Jason's incision with 13 staples.

The month isn't even half over, so stay tuned for more summer fun photos!