Rya's first birthday did not go as planned. It was the end of September and very warm. It didn't hit 100, but it was in the high 90's. We had the party outdoors to accommodate all of Rya's friends and family. The weather was a minor concern, but as of 3:00 on her birthday we were ready for the 5:00 party!
Rya and Mommy went to Safeway to pick up the ice and the balloons. As we were driving down the street we noticed fire engines in front of La Fiesta. This was not a good sign and even worse since we were having the party catered by said restaurant. With fingers crossed, we parked and walked to the restaurant. As soon as we saw the car inside the restaurant, we were pretty sure our food was not going to be ready at 5:00. Yes, a car had somehow driven into the building and stopped as the cash register. Perhaps they thought making La Fiesta a drive thru was a good idea. While we were ecstatic to find out that everyone was going to be fine, we were panicking about our dinner options. After a discussion with Jason, we decided Costco pizzas would have to suffice. It certainly wasn't our first (or second) choice, but what could we do?
We aren't sure what was going on with Rya, but she was being a rather impossible child. She seemed less than interested in her party. We enjoyed the company of our friends and family and were glad they were there to celebrate the first year of precious Rya's life. She received some very cool gifts!
Rya wasn't very interested in the cake. She ate some icing, but that was it.
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