Rya has had a fair share of strawberries this summer from the farmer's market. Berries! She is so cute when she tries to attack an entire strawberry instead of having us cut them up for her.
Uncle Kenny and Kyle (her cousin) came over for a World Cup game. Rya's not so great with strangers at first, but she eventually warmed up to Kenny. It helped that he had one of her favorite books. Who can resist books? I'm glad Rya likes books just like her mommy! 
Rya has made many friends during her (short) lifetime, but the interaction between them is changing as she becomes more verbal. Rya is pretty good at sharing- with the exception of her pacifier. It's funny to watch her "play" with Landon. Poor Landon is a good sport for having to hang out with a girl who is so much younger and can't play on his level. He is very sweet about sharing with her. Although he gets pretty annoyed if Rya doesn't put his alphabet magnets back in the correct order. I should point out that his correct order is exactly that- his. It holds no rhyme or reason to me and certainly doesn't to Rya. Rya loves letters and numbers (she knows them all, so now we are working sounds) so much to Landon's disliking, they don't always get put back in Landon Order after she's done playing with them. We are thankful that Rya has a boy friend (did you see the big space? It's there for a reason! No boys for Rya... ever!) who is kind and whose parents are raising him to be a gentleman. Thanks, Holmes family! We can't wait until Grayson is old enough to play!

Rya has other friends she has made through us and also some from Gymboree. See one of the future posts for more information on Rya's BFF. We are so thankful to have wonderful friends ourselves and that our friends have adorable kids for Rya to play with. We like you single and kid-less friends too!
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