So many changes took place in the last month. We no longer are diaper-changing parents! Rya is using the big potty, but it didn't come easy. We knew that she needed to be potty trained for preschool in January. We also knew that she was ready because her diaper was only wet a few times a day and never when she slept. After we returned from Disneyland, we started with putting her on the little potty during the day until she went potty. Sometimes it took up to 45 minutes and help from some warm water, but she finally got it. After about a week, she was going consistently in the little potty. Then we took a trip to visit Rya's preschool and we realized she was terrified of the big (still little) potties at preschool. At home we hid the little potty and she was forced to use the big potty. Since then she hasn't had trouble using the big potty even at other people's houses or at preschool. She loves her Hello Kitty and Minnie Mouse undies and we love not paying for diapers anymore!
Another big change we made was selling her crib and buying her a big bed. We originally had the delivery men set up the mattress and box spring on the frame, but quickly realized that it was far too high. We wanted her to feel comfortable getting on and off herself and that wasn't going to happen with the frame. She loves her big bed and her down comforter. She hasn't been sleeping perfectly, but better than she was in her crib conversion.
The Paci Fairy came to visit on Friday night. We decorated a gift bag and placed the paci in the bag for the fairy to retrieve that night while Rya slept. The Paci Fairy left some gifts in place of the paci for Rya to open the next morning. Friday night was tough for a short period. She threw a fit for about 10 minutes before giving in and falling asleep. She asked for her paci quite a bit on Saturday and we re-directed her as best we could. She hasn't mentioned it much in the last few days and we are thankful for that. She was very dependent on the paci and it was time to part ways with it. The absence of the paci means a lot more talking and singing. I didn't know someone could talk all day long.
Preschool has been the biggest adjustment for all of us. The first 4-5 times (she only goes Monday, Wednesday, and Friday) she was hysterical when we left her. Luckily, we knew she was in good hands with Teacher Tami. It made the day easier for us while we were working. Rya is the youngest student there by three months. Most of the kids in her class are three. Finally, last week she started participating and playing with the other kids. The teachers are very impressed with her academically. We hope that she continues to enjoy her time at school learning and playing with new friends.
First day of preschool a few weeks ago (back when she still had Yellow Paci- her best friend).
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